
Become a Rose Society Contributor

A ROSE SOCIETY FOUNDING MEMBER your contribution offers benefits to donors at the various levels. The historic house has a rich history and has come to life for hundreds of visitors to experience. Contributions to support the ongoing preservation and maintenance of this unique historic house is greatly needed.

Your investment in the Eisendrath House and Eisendrath Center for Water Conservation furthers the museum's mission to be a place where the community comes together to explore Tempe's past, share its present and imagine its future. Your contribution represents love of history, historic preservation, as well as a strong belief in education and its importance for Arizona citizens.
The ROSE SOCIETY FUND supports a wish list of needed items to enhance the visitor's experience and to preserve this unique historical asset that helps tell the story of the house, its architect and its occupants.
  • $1000 - Platinum Rose
  • $500 - Gold Rose
  • $250 - Silver Rose
  • $100 - Bronze Rose

Historic Eisendrath House as an event venue & visitor's center that is sustained through donations and support from businesses and individuals like you who believe in the enduring power of history, historic preservation and the importance of a "sense of place".

The ROSE SOCIETY celebrates the restoration of the much anticipated Tempe historic point-of-pride - Eisendrath House and the Eisendrath Center for Water Conservation.
For questions about the ROSE SOCIETY call 480-350-5105 or email [email protected].

A Contribution At Any Level Will Help!   You can MAKE A DONATION to Eisendrath House through our non-profit partner - Tempe History Society.